I love it
Probally one of the best and most in depth games out there, But i have a few complaints. For instance you can hire a new person for your caravan but when they die theres no penalty except the fact that you lost a hand who you had to pay anyway. It's a silly thing but still kind of irked me.
Also, the game needs a bigger way to know when your in an area that is deadly to you as a new caravaneer maybe have a "sign" you find on the way with skull and cross bones that has a warning or something, Or maybe have a retreat option for in battles (if there is one i havn't found it)
There also needs to be a litlte more constancy in the items shops sell and the items they have inm stock ( I found myslef a few times buying a gun and not having the ammo for it in stock) I know I should have checked but maybe have all shops atleast have 1 or 20 of the ammo at least.