Love it
I love it its a ufn game and i found out hte scret :P haha you jsut gotta go over the path with your mouse before hand and cant let it catch up to your mouse XD love hte game.
Love it
I love it its a ufn game and i found out hte scret :P haha you jsut gotta go over the path with your mouse before hand and cant let it catch up to your mouse XD love hte game.
Thanks! These reviews are very different from eachother!
Dare i say it?
Better then Alien hominid Hands down. I mean seriously this game delivers much larger in replay then Alien hominid ever could, Do I see console?
Great Game but...
Its a great game but it needs more creativity to it, I feel so bogged down with my little team like theres no real difference in units other then a few subtle ones. You need maybe "ultimate units" that would cost 50 points and 50 points to upgrade fully, that way you can have a strong unit to block out others or soemthing, or maybe make it 1000 points instead of 50, and make some more units, or icnrease the unit amount to cover "teams" instead of individual units, Like youc ould buy one knight and put him in a team of archers so its like 4 archers and one knight, and the battles play out whne individual teams get near each other.
Great game
It's a good game if you ignore the fact that its about Vtech, Which is why i think alot of people are upset about it, but in my opinion its fun, and a very good homage to older games with a "modern" swing on it. But I can't get past the 3rd level, any recomendations? I get to 32 kills (hehe 32) and 26 injurys and i lose :(
It pisses me off when im playing and some random parked car kills me becuase it can move if i get closer... this pisses me off. Not to mention that theres a glitch with either the bum or the mugger. He says thanks buddy im in yoru debt and takes your money. But the dumb thing is that it puts you in jail for being ind ebt if it gets in the negatives... wtf
Yeah, that parked car thing is glitchy, so just try to avoid cars altogether. As for the bum/mugger, he's taking your money by force and pretty much saying "Thanks man, I owe you one". He'll pay you back when he can... Just avoid the bum if you don't want him taking your money. It's like how in 2D platformers you avoid spikes and random pits :P
Thanks for playing, sorry it made you angry though.
Not bad but some glitches
Part5&6 have glitches, 5 if you move when the laser hits you it resets. On six you can move right when the rock falls and it iwll fall into nothing ness and you walk off toward exit
OMG-.- that sucks
GLITCH :( I loved the game itself it was fun and original But there was a glitch :( I found the docter at the police station and it switched me back to pistols (ii had a shot gun in right hand and a pistol in the other) I tried to swtich back to shotgun but it woulndt :O it rnederd my rightr hand useless :(
i've never seen that issue with the guns. i'll look into it.
Great premise better execution
Nice game i loved the way you pulled it off. But there are LOTS of glitches, like the Ai is on an auto track situation and theyll rush into battle no matter how much clicking you do to try and stop it. Also the cannons have NO attack :( I attacked with them at the start of the game and loved them but then they wotn attack anymore either they get stuck on a wall(im assuming thats what happens) or nothing at all happens and its annoying -.-
It was a great game..but
I dont mean to pull teath, the game itself was AWESOME! but there is a problem with the devil >.> I can understand having a character in the game for a "super" character to uneven the boring ness of zombies all the time. But he comes way to soon! and IS MANDATORY! you should have him atleast be non mandatory and you can kill him if you like for the extra ammo he drops. But i find it annoying at lvl 2 trying to rack up 10 kills and then it just stops... and i have to hunt him down and ruin my kill combo :(
A faithfull recreation of the classic ice climbers game, i have to admit i was surprised with actuall bosses but i am glad the game stayed on course and gave a feeling of playing the actuall game.
my older brother used this accunt, and now he let me use it. so get used to me1 beaver-beaver is my frend and you mes with me you get him to make fun of you!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 11/17/06